Think it's impossible to lose 3 inches off your tummy in 2 weeks? You need to read this article. No crazy fads or magical cures - simply read over these fitness expert and nutritionist secrets then add them to your routine for 14 days. Melt the pounds away! Frustrated by how long it...
I've gotta tell you about these easy, no-exercise weight loss tips to burn fat! Make these simple changes to your diet and lifestyle to slim down and get that beach-bod for summer without setting a foot in the gym! “I knew I should have said no to that second slice of...
Wish you could shed pounds like when you were younger? Want to turn back the clock and get your youthful figure back? Learn the secrets of how today's millennials manage to stay slim! Millennials are famed with being preoccupied with healthy eating, fitness and wellness. Staying fit is easy for...
Suffering from weight gain? Unable to lose the pounds? These 8 shocking reasons may be playing a huge role in stopping your weight loss. Chances are that you do several of these already in your day-to-day life, so learn what they are and stop doing them now! Wondering why your...
Losing weight is statistically the most popular resolution in America and we are more than happy to help people achieve their weight loss goals. Losing weight and getting fit, obviously, are often achieved by making a number of small lifestyle changes. These smaller resolutions are definitely worth making a big deal...
We all have certain habits that we practice on a regular basis. Some of them are beneficial and others are detrimental to our health. Some habits are formed from our childhood and can carry on until we are adults – for example, nail-biting and teeth grinding. Other habits are outgrown, like thumb...
Looking for easy, fast, and safe ways to lose your belly fat? You’ve come to the right place. But let’s set a few things straight... a little bit of fat on your body isn't a bad thing. In fact, fat plays an essential role in proper nerve and brain functioning...
It’s almost a common knowledge that sitting is the new smoking. Many studies have demonstrated that sitting for a longer period each day can make us fat, also it increases the risk of premature death. But what can we do if we spent half a day at the office with our...
With the rush of everyday life, sometimes it feels impossible to find the time to focus on your health and exercise routine. Even though on some days it may feel as if there's nothing you can do, we're here to tell you it's possible and provide you tips! Expert fitness trainers...
Lose Your Love Handles
Don’t just aim to lose your belly fat because you want to look good come swimsuit season; lose it because having belly fat is more harmful than being obese. Obesity has been an extremely serious health issue for more than a decade now because it has been linked to a...